Home Office Edit: Redo and Renew

Home office Design

houzz.com Home office design

Since the pandemic, the world had seemed to shift to remote settings and virtual service based business like never before! With that being said, your home office is no longer just a makeshift desk in the corner anymore…Its now the cockpit of your empire! So, how do you create a home office that both highly functional and jaw-droppingly stylish? Read on!

The Bare Necessities…

Off the rip, we’ve got to cover the essentials. If you think a chair and a desk make an office, you’re setting yourself up for a world of discomfort - and not just physically.

Here is a list of bare necessities to ensure you are creating a workspace that promotes productivity.

  1. Spacious Desk : Investing in a spacious desk with drawers can be a game changer for workspace organization.

  2. Ergonomic Chair : Ergonomics matter! A chair that gives you the right posture will always be preference over a chair that is simply “cute”. Besides, you don’t want to be the Hunchback of Home Office, do you? Trust me, your back will thank you.

  3. Lighting : Good lighting is the cornerstone of efficient design. And if you’ve followed my design style you’ll notice I am a layered lighting kinda girl! I love having multiple sources of lighting in one setting... because mood!

Style Meets Functionality…

All work and no play makes your home office a pretty dull space. It’s time to inject some style without losing site of utility.

Zone It Out…

Office zoning is the MVP of efficient design. Here’s how to do it right.

  1. Work Zone: This is your “no-nonsense” area, equipped with all you need for a productive workspace (desk, chair, lamps, printer station…)

  2. Break Zone: Take short, effective breaks to rejuvenate. Maybe including a lounge chair or small seating area away from your desk, if space allows? (beanbags, lounge chair, love seat, etc…)

  3. Snack Zone: Keep the snacks away from your work zone…but be sure to have them somewhere close. I swear by airtight storage containers and a cabinet to hide them in my home office. (mini fridge, coffee bar, wine cooler..)

Go Bold or Go Home…

I have developed a love for a moody setting and I don’t think we’re ever breaking up! Because this kind of setting excite me, I’d choose to a bold statement piece like a Philip Jeffries wallcovering that would set the tone for my workspace. Another example for your space could be technology integration…I have a love for quality sound systems for my music, presentations and entertainment. My husband installed wireless speakers in my ceiling. Again, a girl loves options!

Here is a list of bold options to consider for your home office…

  1. Wall covering / Wall paper : Bring the drama with wallcoverings. This bold decision could be made long term or temporary as the option for permanent and removable wall paper and tiling is becoming a thing.

  2. Paint : Set the tone with a color that reflects your mood and desired aesthetic. This is crucial for a productive workspace.

  3. Technology integrations : Allow technology to make your life and productivity easier.

  4. Greenery : Add some greenery to your workspace. Plants like snake plants not only look good but can also improve air quality.

And there you have it! With these hacks your home office wont just be a space to work; it will become a space that works for you. and remember, a well designed office is more than an aesthetic choice - its a business strategy!

Ready to transform your workspace into a productivity powerhouse? Contact us today and get ready to Maximize Your Mojo with Kings Consulting & Design, LLC.


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