Crazy Glue

Day 365 of 365 completed!  Y’all…by the grace of God, we have survived 2020!! Although there are so many things I can say to describe how unpleasantly twisted this year has been…I’m not! I’m going to do my best and keep it cute because we all know that 2020 has totally and completely TRIED IT! Ms. Covid came through and shut it down, literally! I am just blessed that myself, my family and you guys were able to survive it the best way we knew how!

Funny that the title for this blog is “Crazy Glue” because I’m sure someone can relate when I say we’ve all had some trying moments this past year that seemed as though only crazy glue could keep us together as we got through it. We have been hit with a lot of sadness and loss this year and I’m sure at moments it was hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. As I reflect on this past year I’ve learned a ton of things about myself, my strengths and also my weaknesses. But I’m not here to dwell on the past because I’m so counting down the hours, seconds and minutes when I can kiss 2020 goodbye, forever! Its time to manifest positive vibes into this new year to come!

First things first. Instead of setting a resolution, I am going to make a few promises to myself. Such as, I promise myself that I will no longer doubt myself or hold back from trying new things. I’m going to go for it in 2021. I promise to spend less time trying to figure out why my idea wont work and double up on my time spent making it work! I promise myself to take even better care of my mind body and soul…though some of us had tons of down time this year (I was not one of those lucky souls) I promise myself to take that day off for no reason. I earned the leave and vacation time, and I am going to use is if and when I please. Days off are not always for being sick and I promise myself that I am going recognize that this year to come. Hell, I promise to quit my full-time job this year and really pursue my business 100%. I promise to love even harder this year. I promise myself that I am going to put myself first in certain situations. It may seem a little redundant to say this, but I promise to pour into ME an invest into myself even more!

What promises are you going to make to yourself in the new year to come?

Whatever it is that you are promising yourself always keep in mind to make your promises realistic so that they are achievable. Understand that those promises may not happen overnight to fulfil, but don’t give up on them. Don’t give up on YOU! I think its fitting to say that we all learned we were much stronger than we previously gave ourselves credit for. I mean, we made it through one of the toughest most depressing years we’ve experienced in our lifetime we possess some kind of strength. With that strength we uncovered in the year 2020 lets keep that same energy going into the new year and label those strengths as our 2021 Crazy Glue. In other words, the same strength that you used to make it through the toughest times in 2020, lets use them to break through new barriers we may be faced with in the new year. Trust me when I say…with all we have endured we are beyond capable to make this new year our glow up! I guess this year my Crazy glue is going to be the patience that I’ve learned (and still learning) I had in 2020. Understanding that I want my business to blow up this year, when I feel I’m hitting a low or a breaking point I’m going to pull out my crazy glue to help me keep it all together. Living through Another semester of virtual learning with my 3 older boys and a 1-year-old while trying to juggle two business, my own classes and still keep it cute for my fiancé when he comes home from 10+ hours of working??? CRAZY GLUE! I’m saying all this to say in this new year we will NOT BE DEFEATED! We are getting those new jobs, making six - seven figures, taking those trips without having to ask for permission and most importantly living our absolute best lives moving forward!

What does your crazy glue consist of? What tools are you going to keep in your back pocket to keep you motivated and moving forward even in your hardest moments to come?

Along with all those promises I made to myself. I also promised to keep this one short. Ill end this one with this…

In this New Year to come I am wishing all my family, friends, and followers nothing but the absolute best this year! I pray you all have good health and wealth all of 2021. If no one has told you yet, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! You survived so much this past year and most importantly you did not give up! Focus on you this year, take the necessary steps to make your future 10 times better than you past has been. Love harder this year, spread positivity to anyone that will listen. Its our time to really make a name. Let’s get it!




Home Office Edit: Redo and Renew


Building the Foundation