Building the Foundation

Ok, so now that I have done a little soul searching, attitude adjusting and self maintenance, its time for me to begin to figure out what it is I really want to do with my life. For those that truly know me can attest that a typical 9-5 is not going to cut it too much longer for me. I get bored with doing the same thing every day. It has come to a point where I am not even learning at my job anymore and the idea of me spending on average 12 hours a day building someone else’s dream is becoming exhausting and redundant.  IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE. I really must stop talking about it and be about it now. You know, “walk it like I talk it” (in my Migos voice).

One thing I know is that I no longer want to keep dedicating my life and wasting away my true talents and my love for all things interior design and construction. Truth is, I am scared! Not only do I fear failure, but I am also fearful of success. Trust me, I know It sounds crazy, but it is my truth. As of right now I feel safe where I am now in life, but it’s not enough for me. If I fail, my boys will witness it and I just cannot have that. If I succeed, then the weight of continued success would be placed on my shoulders and I feel like it would be absolutely no room for error. I’d say that the root of my fear is the thought of me never being enough either way. That is what’s most scary to me…

I’m sure just like me, you have friends and family that encourage you to just jump out there, but we’ve been hesitant. Why? Is it money?  What do we do when the steady paycheck stops rolling in? There’s absolutely no way that I would put the entire load of our monthly costs on my fiancé. Bryan works hard enough, and I promise to never leave him responsible for 100% or our living cost for as long as I am capable of working. And let us be honest, I have never not had a job or a couple of coins coming in, that just isn’t my style. Bryan is already a serial entrepreneur, he has started a production company well before we met, and within the last two years a tow company. He’s ALWAYS working, and I love how hard he works to provide for his family.

Now I on the other hand, I had happened to be a serial entrepreneur…but in my head. I have created numerous businesses that I thought would thrive in my head, but never did the leg work to bring the ideas to life. A large part of me dragging my feet was because I did not have a clear understanding of what steps to take first, or simply because I just bounced on to the next business idea a day or so later. Again, that pride I talked about in the Self Maintenance blog entry got in my way of asking for help. Maybe because I did not want anyone to shoot my perfectly developed business plan down and tell me why it wasn’t going to work in my favor. I can be super stubborn at times and talk myself out of a perfectly good thing, but I promise I’m working on it. I’m grateful that I have a fiancé that has motivated me with his ability to work a full-time job while managing to run businesses on the side. Do you have someone that motivates you? (Tell me about them in the comments below)

What do you do when you are no longer being fulfilled with your career? You figure out a way to make the changes necessary. I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I just had to for once, come up with a game plan, put it on paper and begin to research what it takes to make my dream a reality. Oh, and solely focus on that one idea. So that is what I did. Lucky for me, Bryan is an Electrician and exceptionally good at what he does. He has been in the field for 14 years and counting. And I grew up surrounded by construction, and interior design. I had a family member that worked for a largely reputable construction company and because of their nonstop projects in the DMV area, I was able to experience a lot of it firsthand. With all the exposure to this industry it was only right that I figure out a way to turn my passion into dollars. It was time and time again that I kept telling myself that “If I can make this happen, not only would I be the happiest ever, but I know for sure I’ll never want to stop building this dream.” Shortly after, Bryan and I had created the dream team. Not only are the dynamics of our business perfect, but it was the beginning of an empire that we are building for our children. We were beginning to lay the foundation. This was the birth of Kings Consulting & Design, LLC.

Kings was the start to us teaching our boys both partnership and dedication. We literally turned an idea that we had written out on paper and attached to our corkboard hanging on our office wall into a registered, legitimate business that we love! This foundation that we are building was not only to create wealth, but also a teaching tool that allows each of our boys the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of owning and operating a business as well. Besides, Kings was named in honor of my boys whom which I refer to as kings. My black kings! We now have something that we can pass down to our children and grandchildren to come. The foundation is set, and I am excited to see how strong this empire can be built.

I will end this installment with a few words of encouragement as I had friends and family members encourage me as I began my journey to building my foundation… Regardless of how farfetched your dreams or goals may seem, there is always a route to reach them. Nothing comes to a sleeper but a dream. Put in the work, do the research, and test your theory repeatedly until you get it right! Never be afraid to invest in yourself. And most importantly, NEVER allow someone to tell you NO.


Crazy Glue


Self Maintenance…EXTENDED